Three years ago, Hak declined King Il's offer to become Yona's bodyguard. Yona tried to avoid being seen by Lord Kan Tae-Jun of the Fire Clan. Hak later pretended to be Yona's lover in order to stop Tae-Jun from harassing Yona, thereafter vowing to protect her always and forever. A flashback reveals that Yona, Hak and Soo-Won played in the snow as children, but they all ended up feeling sick. After having not seen her father for many days, Yona cried tears of joy when King Il finally brought her some chicken porridge, even those it tasted rancid. In the present, while Yona briefly bathes in a lake, Hak finds her hairpin left on the ground and hides it from her, hoping that she will move on from the past. She later wanders off, upon noticing that her hairpin has gone missing, but finds herself in a snake pit. Hak rescues Yona, despite getting bitten by a snake, and returns the hairpin back to her, realizing that she cannot let go of her residual feelings for Soo-Won.